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    Aran Guo

    Aran Guo

    Customer Care Administrator

    Cap | Positive | Laid-Back

    Mini Bio

    Born in the wild northwest of China, I have lived in France and the northern Highlands of Scotland. Throughout my travels, I’ve journeyed to the Alps and Scandinavia. Finally, with my Irish wife, we’ve settled down in my spiritual home, Sligo, in the northwest corner of Ireland. I am delighted to join the Wilderness Ireland team to carry on the warmth of the land and the spirit of ‘céad míle fáilte’ (which means “a hundred thousand welcomes” in Irish).

    Favourite Place to Play

    Beautiful beaches, hills, loughs and woodlands throughout my adoptive province Connacht. As they say, the west is the best!

    Not a lot of People Know This

    I used to be in a boy band when I was in secondary school.


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